Since I have started working out so much more I have really experimented with all of my work out shoes and trying different ones for each of my work outs. These amazing Nike sneakers are part of their flyknit collection and are honestly so comfortable I almost forget that they are on my feet! Something that I have learned is it doesn’t matter how much you spend on your athletic shoes you need to make sure that they work best for you. They are your feet after all and you need to make sure you take great care of them. You should never wear the same shoes everyday to work out and you should switch it up. This is so you don’t wear down one pair of shoes, but also it just good for your feet. My suggestion is to buy a pair of training shoes that work for everything. These nikes are good for running, training, and for just walking around in general. I have specific shoes just for running that I purchased when I ran the Brooklyn half marathon back in 2014, but those I only wear when I am running long distances. If you are looking for specific running shoes go to the store and have them fit you for the right pair. I did that and although I looked very silly running on a treadmill in jeans and a sweater t the shoes I purchased were great for my work out. I hope this was helpful for all of you who are looking to get into working out! Can’t wait to add to my work out shoe collection and maybe one day have a closet like Khloe Kardashian devoted to my work out gear. If you haven’t seen what her workout closet looks like head on over to SELF Magazine’s website and see for yourself. #goals Khloe Kardashian Closet <3
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