Happy Fitness Tuesday! Today I want to talk about fitness with your furry friends. If you follow me on social media you know that I am a SoulCycle junkie or if not by my matching shirt with my sweet puppy Stella. I try and go at least 4 times a week if not more, but I am not like Venessa Hudgens who says if she can goes twice a day. That is a little crazy to me! When I got Stella she was only 3.5 lbs of pure fluff and now she is 22 lbs. Some people think she is bigger than that because of all of her fur. All of my old dogs were large golden retrievers so once they were about 6 months they were too big to pick up on my own, but this isn’t the case with Stella. Since starting my workout journey I have tried every type of exercise in the book…except hot yoga out of fear I will pass out in the room. I never realized that by picking Stella up all the time and carrying her I was really building up my muscle strength. So I decided to do something that involved me working out and Stella. I now try and do lunges while I am holding her across my living room floor. She sometimes gets a little squirmy, but eventually she lets me hold her. The other exercise that I love to do with Stella is running. I love running outside with her for many reasons. First because of her size she runs really really fast! You can ask my family in Miami whenever she is there she runs around my house in circles and is so fast. She is so fast that my brother Ira who to this day says he is the fastest in our family can barely keep up with her. Sorry to break it to you Ira, but Stella is the fastest Marcus now. If you are going to take your dog out for a jog please take a collapsable bowl that can be attached to your leash for water. I know too many people that didn’t do that and thankfully none of their dogs got hurt, but they were severely dehydrated. If you have a furry friend like my sweet Stella do these two exercises with them and see what I am talking about. Sadly my SoulCycle t-shirt is no longer available, but a similar shirt to the one Stella is wearing is up on their website. Click here to purchase it for your sweet furry friend. <3