Happy Thursday and for some of the lucky few happy weekend! With everyone in the city doing the yearly disappearing act for the 4th of July I wanted to share with you one of my favorite pairs of wedges. These Christian Louboutin called the Une Plume Sling are so comfortable I would walk a mile in them with no complaints. I love the cork detailing especially since most cork wedges don’t have a glossy finish over them. This prevents them from getting ruined and personally make them look brand new every time I wear them. I can not tell you how many times people have asked me if they are new or if I did something to my shoes to make them so shiny all the time. However, Christian Louboutin sadly does not carry them in black patent on their website anymore, but I am sure they do in their stores. They come in a lower height as well if you aren’t too thrilled about them being so tall. I think that for wedges you can never go to tall you just have to make sure that the arch isn’t too steep because otherwise you would feel like you were walking on your tippy toes all night. They are perfect for anything from work to any bbq you will be attending this holiday weekend. If you haven’t already check out the Christian Louboutin website for their new collection of shoes that come in every skin tone that you can imagine. For anyone heading out of the city today please travel safely! The roads / travel always get crazy around the holiday weekend so I am just as happy to stay put in the city with my sweet puppy Stella. To see her adventures this weekend follow her on instagram @HowStellaGotHerWoofBack <3
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